
Breaking Language Barriers with BhashaXR: Your VR Travel Companion

July 28, 2024

3 min read

Imagine being dropped in the bustling streets of Vellore with minimal Tamil skills—that was me, during my B.Tech days, trying to make sense of the local lingo. Fast forward to today, I’m thrilled to introduce BhashaXR, a VR platform designed to tackle just that: language barriers!


🎯 Problem Analysis

Navigating a new city is thrilling until you need to buy water and end up with a carton of milk—thanks to language mix-ups! India’s linguistic diversity, while rich, can often be a hurdle for travelers and new residents alike. Traditional language courses? Too long! Quick apps? Not immersive enough!

Market Research Highlights:

Recent market research indicates a projected 20% annual growth in the language learning sector, driven by the integration of VR technologies that enhance and personalize learning experiences. Global Market Insights details this trend.

Additionally, TechReport underscores the impact of AI and VR in making language learning more effective and tailored to global needs.

Enter BhashaXR: blending VR with AI to craft an engaging, ‘learn-by-doing’ language learning adventure.

🧩 Development Process

Research Phase

We started with a diary of my language faux pas in Vellore and expanded by gathering data from over 500 travelers across India. Most shared a common wish: mastering just enough to not accidentally order spicy curry when they wanted a mild one.

User Persona Creation

Meet our primary user personas:


“Every traveler has a tale. With BhashaXR, it’s less lost-in-translation, more lost in the experience.”

📌 User Flow and Experience Design

  1. Choose Your Adventure: Pick from daily scenarios—be it a taxi ride or haggling at a market.

  2. Dive into VR: Strap on your VR gear and step into a simulated Indian bazaar!

  3. Speak and Score: Grab an uncolored apple, say “सेब” (seb) correctly, and watch it color up as you score points!

Technical Implementation

🎨 Visual Design

Our UI draws inspiration from India’s vibrant marketplaces, making each interaction a visual treat. The primary color green symbolizes growth and renewal, while earth tones in our secondary palette evoke warmth and reliability. Typography combines a Devanagari-inspired display font for headers with a clean sans-serif for body text, enhancing readability and cultural resonance.

🔦 Future and Enhanced AR Technology

As we look to the future, BhashaXR is set to revolutionize language learning and real-time communication with the development of advanced AR glasses. These cutting-edge glasses will provide instant translation and suggest contextually appropriate replies, empowering users to engage in meaningful conversations without hesitation.

ar sunglasses


In a country where a few wrong words can land you a plate of extra spicy curry instead of mild, BhashaXR is more than just a tool—it’s your travel companion in the making. Whether you’re a traveler, expat, or just curious, BhashaXR promises not just to teach you a language but to transform your travel experiences.

Got Feedback or Want to Collaborate? I’m all ears! Drop me a message or let’s connect over a chai—or should I say, tea?

Curious? Check out the Figma file! 🚀